What Is Retention In Insurance?

Are you curious to know what is retention in insurance? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about retention in insurance in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is retention in insurance?

Understanding the intricacies of insurance involves grasping various terms and concepts, and one such crucial element is “retention.” In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what retention means in the realm of insurance, exploring its different facets and significance in risk management.

What Is Retention In Insurance?

Retention in insurance refers to the portion of risk that an insurance policyholder or organization chooses to assume without transferring it to an insurance carrier. It involves retaining a certain level of risk exposure, and the retained amount is not covered by insurance. This strategic decision is a fundamental aspect of risk management.

What Is Risk Retention In Insurance?

Risk retention in insurance is the deliberate choice of an entity to retain a specific amount of risk rather than transferring the entire risk to an insurance company. This decision is often made based on the organization’s risk tolerance, financial capability, and the desire to have more control over certain aspects of the risk.

What Is A Retention In Insurance?

A retention in insurance is the specific amount or percentage of risk that an insured party decides to retain rather than transferring it entirely to the insurer. It represents the financial commitment the insured is willing to bear in the event of a covered loss.

What Is A Risk Retention Group In Insurance?

A risk retention group (RRG) in insurance is a type of liability insurance company formed by members of a similar industry or business. RRGs are created to pool resources and collectively retain and manage certain risks within the group rather than relying solely on traditional insurance markets.

What Is Retention In Insurance Example?

An example of retention in insurance is a business choosing to have a deductible on its property insurance policy. If the business faces a covered loss, it agrees to bear the cost up to the deductible amount, and the insurance kicks in to cover the remaining expenses.

Insurance Retention Vs Deductible

While both insurance retention and deductibles involve the policyholder bearing a portion of the risk, they differ in their application. Retention is the overall amount an insured party is willing to self-insure, while a deductible is a specific amount that must be paid before the insurance coverage begins.

What Is Retention Limit In Insurance?

The retention limit in insurance is the maximum amount of risk that an insured party is willing to retain without seeking coverage from an insurance carrier. It sets a cap on the financial exposure the insured is willing to self-insure.

What Is Retention In Reinsurance?

Retention in reinsurance refers to the amount of risk that a primary insurer retains before ceding the remaining risk to a reinsurer. It is a critical factor in determining the distribution of risk between the primary insurer and the reinsurer.

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Self-Insured Retention Example

In self-insurance, an organization may have a self-insured retention (SIR), which is the specific amount it is willing to bear for covered losses before the insurance coverage is triggered. An example could be a company with a $100,000 SIR for workers’ compensation claims.

Reduction In Insurance

Retention in insurance often leads to a reduction in insurance costs. By retaining a portion of the risk, policyholders can negotiate lower premiums with insurers. This reduction in insurance expenses can be a strategic financial decision for organizations.

Insurance Retention Vs Excess

Insurance retention and excess refer to different levels of risk assumption. Retention is the amount an insured party is willing to bear before insurance coverage kicks in, while excess refers to the coverage that comes into play after the retention level is exhausted.

Loss Retention Insurance Definition

Loss retention in insurance refers to the financial amount or percentage of risk that an insured entity is willing to bear for covered losses. It is a critical component in risk management strategies and allows organizations to have more control over their risk exposures.


In conclusion, retention in insurance is a strategic decision made by individuals, businesses, or organizations to self-insure a certain amount of risk. Whether through deductibles, self-insured retentions, or other mechanisms, retention empowers entities to actively manage their risk exposures, potentially reducing insurance costs and providing a more nuanced approach to risk management. Understanding the dynamics of retention is key to making informed decisions in the complex landscape of insurance and risk.


What Does Insurance Retention Mean?

Insurance retention means that you, as an insured company, will be responsible for paying claims against you up to a certain dollar amount. For claims that go beyond that dollar amount, the insurance company handles the claims.

Is A Retention The Same As A Deductible?

The answer to the question what’s the difference between a deductible and a self insured retention is that deductibles reduce the amount of insurance available whereas a self insured retention is applied and the limit of insurance is fully available above that amount.

What Does Retention Amount Mean?

A standard definition of retention money is a percentage of money that an employer or an individual holds as protection from incomplete or inaccurate work done by the hired contractor. A retention includes two levels: The hiring individual holds the money until the contract is fulfilled, and he or she is satisfied.

Is Retention The Same As Excess?

In the context of an insurance policy, a retention is also known as an excess.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is Risk Retention In Insurance

What Is A Retention In Insurance

What Is A Risk Retention Group In Insurance

What Is Retention In Insurance Example

What Is Retention In Insurance Example

Insurance Retention Vs Deductible

What Is Retention Limit In Insurance

What Is Retention In Reinsurance

Self-Insured Retention Example

Reduction In Insurance

Insurance Retention Vs Excess

Loss Retention Insurance Definition

What Is Retention In Insurance